A crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth—sometimes known as a ‘cap’.
Crowns are used to repair teeth damaged by decay or trauma. Porcelain crowns restore up to 98% of the use of a damaged tooth and 100% of its appearance.
Crowns are now more popular because they are more aesthetically pleasing and profound, ending on what they are made from, and can be equally strong and durable. Porcelain crowns are often used to replace unsightly metal crowns.
To place a crown, our cosmetic dentist will carefully reshape your existing tooth so that the height will have a natural appearance and close fit. ThrUsingphisticated materials and technology, an experienced cosmetic dentist can fit you with a porcelain crown that looks and feels and functions exactly like your natural tooth.
For more information on our Dental Crowns services, contact 020 8907 4806.